GLOW WDB Genesee, Livingston, Orleans, Wyoming Workforce Development Board - A Proud Partner of the American Job Center Network
An employer for every jobseeker ... a skilled worker for every employer.



In Albion: Tuesday and Thursday after school at the High School in Room 102. In the middle school during homeroom, lunch, study hall and after school, Monday-Friday.

In Medina: After school in the middle school.

One More Thought ...
The work you do now will be the foundation for the rest of your life. Take the time now to work hard on preparing for the future. You will be so glad you did!

As we look forward to those cold winter months and the excitement of the holiday season, we sometimes find it difficult to stay on track with our schoolwork and everyday tasks. It is important not to get behind on your schoolwork. Remember to set aside time each day to complete your schoolwork.

Using the tutors available in the LIFE room each day right after school to complete your work is a great habit to get into. If you do that, by the time you get home, you’ll have little or no schoolwork left to complete.



It is important for all youth to explore the multitude of opportunities available to them after high school - whether you plan on continuing to college, a vocational school, entering the military, or directly enter the workforce after high school there are several on-line tools that can help you make that decision. An important part of deciding on a career is self-assessment. By self-identifying your interests, you can uncover your potential and find a career that will not only provide you with income but also be an rewarding part of your life.

In addition to the labor market information and other data available on this website, below are some on-line tools geared specifically to help youth in this important decision.



WNY R-AHEC 2025 Scholarship for Healthcare
WNY R-AHEC will be awarding scholarships to high school seniors entering healthcare related programs after graduation.

Career Zone
A career exploration system that was designed for middle and high school students.

Job Clips
More than 170 profiles of jobs commonly available in New York State.

Job Seeker's Guide to Industries
Occupational guides.

Ace Your Job Interview
What to do and not do during an interview.

BJ Pinchbeck's Homework helper
Links to educational sites on the Internet

Fact Monster
Math, science, news, games and quizzes, plus a whole lot more.

Ask Jeeves Kids
Study tools, advice, message boards and more.

O Net
Comprehensive information on job requirements and worker competencies.

Job Corps
Job Corps is the nation's largest and most comprehensive residential education and job training program for at-risk youth, ages 16 through 24.

Online Colleges makes it easy to compare online colleges and find the right accredited degree program to point you towards a meaningful career.

Federal Student Aid
A Department of Education site offering guidance on financial aid for students, parents and counselors. There is information geared to elementary and secondary school students, post-secondary and graduate school students, individuals returning to school, and individuals who are having trouble paying back student loans, including dealing with loan default problems.

Job and Career Resources for Teens

Scholarships, Internships and College Loan Information

Preparing the 21st Century Workforce

Genesee County Job Development Bureau
Employment and Training Services

Livingston County Office of Workforce Development
Employment and Training Services

Community Action for Wyoming County
Employment and Training Services

Genesee County Youth Bureau

Livingston County Youth Bureau

Orleans County Youth Bureau

Wyoming County Youth Bureau

GLOW With Your Hands


Please contact your local One Stop for more information:

Genesee County Career Center
587 East Main Street, Suite 100
Batavia, NY 14020
(585) 344-2042

Orleans Center for Workforce Development
458 West Avenue (Route 31)
Albion, NY 14411
(585) 589-5335

NYS Department of Labor
448 North Main Street (Route 19)
Warsaw, NY 14569
(585) 786-3145


Livingston County Office of Workforce Development
6 Court Street, Room 105
Geneseo, NY 14454
(585) 243-7047

Wyoming County Community Action
6470 Route 20A
Perry, NY 14530
(585) 237-2600

NYS Department of Labor
6 Court Street
Room 105
Geneseo, NY 14454
(585) 243-1427


Equal Opportunity Employer/Programs
Auxiliary aids and services available upon request to individuals with disabilities


- Overview of Services
- Train Your Workforce
- Economic Development Corporations
- Chambers of Commerce
- Local Market Information
- Grant Opportunities
- Post A Job Opening
- Other Resources
- How Can We Help With Training & Personnel Issues?
- Satisfaction Survey
- News
- Services
- Hot Jobs
- Workshops
- Training Resources
- Find A Job
- Resources
- Labor Market Information
- Satisfaction Survey

- Services
- Career Development & Occupational Studies Standards
- Summer Employment Opportunities
- Mission
- Youth Resources
- Locations & Hours
- Partners
- Board Members
- Emerging Worker Committee
- Meeting Schedule & Minutes
- Committees
- Vision
- Policies
- Publications
- Contact Us Online
- Location

Genesee County Career Center
587 East Main Street, Suite 100
Batavia, New York 14020
or 1-585-344-2042 ext. 4212
TDD/TTY: 1-585-344-2042 ext. 4212
TDD/TTY: 1-585-344-2042 ext. 4261
Fax: 1-585-344-4495

Jay Lazarony
GLOW WDB Executive Director

Genesee County Career Center
587 East Main Street, Suite 100
Batavia, New York 14020
Phone; 1-585-344-2042 ext. 4212
Fax: 1-585-344-4495


© GLOW Workforce Development Board