GLOW WDB Genesee, Livingston, Orleans, Wyoming Workforce Development Board - A Proud Partner of the American Job Center Network




The Genesee, Livingston, Orleans, Wyoming Workforce Development Board (GLOW WDB) is available to assist employers in finding and retaining the skilled, qualified employees needed to run business and to help individuals attain skills necessary for employment.


Employment Panel & Job Fair
> Click here for details


"A skilled workforce allows us to remain competitive and increased skills provide long term benefit to our employees no matter where their career paths take them."


FAME Finger Lakes Advanced Manufacturers' Enterprise

New York's Tuition Free Degree Program

Environmental Careers for Young Adults

MCC Accelerated Precision Tooling Certificate

Consolidated Funding Application

Career for Readiness Credential

NYS Grant Funds Available

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Employer Information

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Finger Lakes Hired